Probando esta nueva ptc
ADLANTISEl administrador es español y eso ayuda mucho a preguntar y solucionar dudas en el foro.
Below you can find the earnings for Standard and Upgraded members.
Standard MembershipYour Click: $0,008 (Std-Ad/30 Sec.) -- $0.01 (Ext-Ad/60Sec.) ---- $0.005 (MiniAd/15Sec.)
Referral Click: $0,004 (Std-Ad/30Sec.) -- $0.01ref (Ext-Ad/60Sec.) -- $0,00 (MiniAd/15Sec.)
Arcadian Your Click: $0.008(Standard Ad) $0.01(Extended Ad) $0.005(Short Ad)
Referral Click: $0.005(Standard Ad) $0.01(Extended Ad) $0.00(Short Ad)
Titan Your Click: $0.01(Standard Ad) $0.012(Extended Ad) $0.005(Short Ad)
Referral Click: $0.01(Standard Ad) $0.01(Extended Ad) $0.002(Short Ad)
Atlas Your Click: $0.01(Standard Ad) $0.015(Extended Ad) $0.005(Short Ad)
Referral Click: $0.01(Standard Ad) $0.01(Extended Ad) $0.005(Short Ad)
You get paid once you reach the minimum payout. The minimum
payout is set at $2 for the first cashout, $3 for the second, $5 for the
third and $8 for every one after that.
Once you reach the minimum amount, you can withdraw your money instantly to either AlertPay and PayPal